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Blinds for Noise Reduction

noise reduction quality confirmed by young girl sleeping on sofa next to window with blinds

Window treatments, such as blinds and shutters, should be a stylish and functional part of your home. During most of our projects, we hear our clients complain about issues ranging from too much light, heat, or too much noise entering their homes and we are here to tell you that your current window dressing may not be providing the best solution for these problems. 

We have highlighted the best blinds for light and heat reduction before, which you can read here, so today we are taking a look at how the correct blinds or shutter installation can help with noise reduction.

Roman blinds: The sleekest in design and muffling noise

These blinds are the perfect choice if you’re searching for a window solution that has the appearance of curtains but the versatility and noise reduction qualities of blinds.

Roman blinds are an inexpensive and straightforward option for those looking to invest in some minimal soundproofing, they also come in a range of fabrics, and, using thicker ones such as blackout material, can ensure better insulation and noise reduction.

Wooden Venetian blinds: The traditional choice for noise cancelling

If you are unable to have fabric blinds in your home, due to allergy issues, pets, or just aesthetic value, then our wooden Venetian blinds could be the answer.

Typically, Venetian blinds are made from PVC or aluminium, which do a less impressive job of keeping outside noise to a minimum. However, our Venetian blinds come in a variety of wood types, which is a natural insulator and can provide essential silence to a space as well as a traditional style and feel to your home.

However, these blinds are far from the perfect insulation to reduce noise in your home due to the gaps and cracks that can form during regular use – factors that can be solved by our next recommendation!


Shutters: The easy alternative to noise protection

For a Mediterranean feel in the North East and superior noise reduction, our wooden shutters could be the perfect addition to your window.

Like our previous suggestion, wooden Venetian blinds, the timber used for this window dressing is a durable, insulative, and popular choice for guaranteeing a quieter home. Shutters also have the benefit of providing a sturdy layer of additional security to your home as they can be latched and secured overnight or for long periods, so you’ll have peace of mind while visiting loved ones or going on extended holidays.

Pleated blinds: The best for noise reduction in the home

For the most effective noise reduction, these blinds can provide perfect soundproofing due to their ingenious design and stylish features. 

Pleated blinds, sometimes called honeycomb blinds, are honeycomb-shaped which allows a pocket of air to pass between the fabric and act as an additional layer of protection from the elements, whether it’s noise, sunlight, or temperature. 

Angel Blinds provides soundproofing expertise

Our team at Angel Blinds work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the correct window fitting and feel secure in the knowledge that you have made the right decision for your home and your personal preference.

For more information on blinds, shutters and a customised approach to window fittings, get in touch today.

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